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How to use data to determine which game to develop next

Aug 16

3 min read




Here are some great steps to take to do the proper research to proactivly make sure your next game is successfull.

1. Analyze Popular Genres

- Steam Charts and Top Sellers:

- Steam Store: Visit the Steam Store ( and check the "Top Sellers" section. This shows the most popular games currently being purchased. You can see trends in genres by examining which games frequently appear in this list.

- SteamDB: Use SteamDB ( for more detailed analytics. Go to the "Charts" section to see real-time statistics and historical data about top-selling games and active players by genre.

- Genre Trends:

- Steam Charts: Visit Steam Charts ( to analyze player counts for various genres over time. This helps identify which genres are gaining popularity.

- Steam Trends: Look at genre-specific trends using tools like SteamSpy or SteamDB to track changes in genre popularity.

2. Review Player Reviews and Feedback

- Top Games' Reviews:

- Steam Reviews: Go to the game’s Steam page and read both positive and negative reviews. Pay attention to recurring comments about gameplay mechanics, graphics, and story elements.

- Metacritic: Check Metacritic ( for aggregate review scores and detailed critic reviews, which can also provide insights into game quality and player sentiment.

- User Comments:

- Steam Community Forums: Visit the community hubs for popular games on Steam to see player discussions and feedback. Look for threads about game features, updates, and issues.

3. Examine Sales and Revenue Data

- Sales Performance:

- Steam Spy: Visit Steam Spy ( to get estimates on game sales and player counts. It aggregates data from Steam profiles to provide insights into how well games are performing.

- SteamDB: Use SteamDB’s sales data and historical statistics to track how sales figures for different games and genres have changed over time.

- Pricing Strategies:

- Steam Store Pricing: Review the pricing of top-selling games on Steam. Note whether they use premium pricing, discounts, or other pricing models.

- Sales Data: Look at historical pricing and sales events on SteamDB to understand common pricing strategies.

4. Study Game Features and Mechanics

- Successful Features:

- Steam Reviews: Analyze the features that are frequently mentioned in positive reviews of successful games. Features like multiplayer modes, VR support, or specific gameplay mechanics can be identified.

- Gameplay Videos: Watch gameplay videos and trailers on YouTube or Steam to see which mechanics are highlighted and how they are received by players.

- Innovation vs. Familiarity:

- Game Trends: Use SteamDB or IGDB ( (Internet Game Database) to research new and innovative games as well as games that use familiar mechanics with a new twist.

5. Consider Player Demographics

- Audience Insights:

- Steam Hardware & Software Survey: Access the Steam Hardware & Software Survey ( to gather data on the most common hardware setups and software preferences among Steam users.

- Player Statistics: Look at player demographics and playstyles for specific genres or games using data from SteamDB or Steam Analytics]( if available.

- Regional Preferences:

- Regional Sales Data: Use tools like SteamDB to analyze regional sales and player preferences. This can help you understand regional trends and tailor your game accordingly.

6. Competitive Analysis

- Competitor Games:

- Steam Store and SteamDB: Analyze the performance and reviews of games similar to your concept using Steam Store and SteamDB. Look at their strengths, weaknesses, and player feedback.

- Market Gaps: Identify gaps by comparing the features of successful games and noting what’s missing or underrepresented.

7. Utilize Steam’s Development Tools

- Steamworks SDK:

- Steamworks Developer Site: Visit the Steamworks Developer Site ( to access the Steamworks SDK. This provides tools and resources for integrating Steam features into your game and can give insights into what’s popular among developers.

8. Pilot Testing

- Early Access:

- Steam Early Access: Consider launching an early access version of your game on Steam. This allows you to gather player feedback and make improvements based on real user data before the full release.

- Beta Testing:

- Community Engagement: Use Steam’s beta testing and community features to involve players in testing phases. Collect feedback through surveys and forums to refine your game based on user experiences.

By systematically using these resources and strategies, you can make informed decisions about which type of game to develop based on current market trends and player preferences on Steam.

This is a lot. Soon, I intend to create some automated ways to check these.


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