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Aug 24

3 min read




Python Programming starts before you build your own app or look for app building software. Start with a personal approach.

Let's say you're developing an app to help consumers find cheap Halloween candy locally. What kind of information would you gather from potential users to ensure the app is successful?

Developing an app like this requires a thorough understanding of what the target users value most, how they shop, and what drives their decisions. Here’s the approach I would take in gathering the information needed:

1. Understand Consumer Preferences: Candy Types and Brands

First, I’d focus on understanding the specific types of candy users are looking for and their preferences for certain brands. For example, some users might prioritize well-known brands like Hershey’s or Mars, while others are more concerned about finding the cheapest bulk options. This would help us tailor the app’s filtering options so users can easily find deals that match their preferences.

I would ask questions like:

  • What types of Halloween candy do you typically purchase?

  • Do you have a preference for specific brands, or are you mainly focused on price?

2. Assess Price Sensitivity and Budget Ranges

Since the app’s core purpose is to help users save money, it’s essential to understand how price-sensitive our users are. I would gather information on their typical budget for Halloween candy and what they consider to be a “good deal.” This insight would inform how we prioritize deals, highlight discounts, and structure price alerts.

Some key questions would be:

  • How much do you usually spend on Halloween candy?

  • What’s the minimum discount or price that would get you to choose one store over another?

3. Identify Preferred Shopping Locations and Store Types

Next, I would gather data on where users prefer to shop for Halloween candy. Do they tend to visit big-box stores, local grocery stores, or discount retailers? This information would guide which stores we partner with and how we curate deals within the app.

I’d ask:

  • Where do you usually shop for Halloween candy (e.g., large chains, dollar stores, online)?

  • Are there specific stores you check first when shopping for candy deals?

4. Understand Timing and Purchasing Habits

Another key area would be understanding when and how often users buy Halloween candy. Some people shop early to avoid last-minute rushes, while others hold out for clearance sales after Halloween. Knowing this would help us time notifications, deal alerts, and promotional campaigns effectively.

Relevant questions might include:

  • When do you typically start shopping for Halloween candy?

  • Are you more likely to buy candy early, close to Halloween, or even after Halloween for discounts?

5. Evaluate Users’ Use of Technology and Deal-Finding Tools

Understanding how our target users currently use apps or websites to find deals is crucial. If they’re already using certain tools, we can build features that align with those habits or introduce enhancements. We could also assess what additional features would make the app more valuable, like price comparisons or inventory tracking.

Questions could include:

  • Do you currently use apps, websites, or coupons to find deals on candy or other products?

  • What features would make an app helpful for finding cheap Halloween candy (e.g., price comparison, deal alerts, store inventory updates)?

6. Gauge Interest in Community and Sharing Features

It’s also valuable to know whether users would engage with community-driven features like sharing deals or tips with other shoppers. This could add a social element to the app and drive engagement.

I would ask:

  • Would you be interested in sharing deals or receiving tips from other app users?

  • How important is it to get reviews or recommendations from others when shopping for deals?

7. Address Location Data and Privacy Concerns

Since this app relies on local deals, we’d need to assess how comfortable users are with sharing their location. Privacy is a big concern for many people, so it’s important to find out what they’re comfortable with and offer alternative options, like manually entering a location instead of enabling GPS.

I’d ask:

  • Would you be willing to share your location to find nearby candy deals?

  • What privacy concerns do you have when using apps that track your location?


Overall, by gathering these insights, we can ensure that the app is not only focused on finding cheap candy but also aligned with user habits, preferences, and privacy needs. The goal is to create an intuitive tool that people trust and actually find useful as they prepare for Halloween.


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